
Reviews, ongoing recordings, electronic jams

Jacob’s album (see last post) received positive reviews all the way through – for those check Uncanny Valley’s homepage and Mr. Korn’s own. Nearly as well (but remaining totally off-mainstream): Reviews on The Cold View’s “Weeping Winter” you’ll find here, here and there and on their homepage as well. There’s even an interview on a blog called DarkUndergroundMusicZine – I wish all those blogs would have specific names like that (which they actually do). So far for the past …

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Our first longplayer

As promised You & Me, Jacob Korn’s first full-length album for Uncanny Valley is out as of today and it feels really good to be a part of this. Although full of collaborations recorded on different locations throughout the years the album sounds coherent enough to my ears. Another reason for that could be Stefan Betke’s mastering as well as Jacob’s own mixing process in his studio. In the end there is a really clubby feeling to it. So let’s hope it reaches as many dancefloors as possible.

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Trains are leaving, Korn is coming

What I wanted to say is: Don’t go any further … but listen to a Remix first I mixed on our trusty analog console. It’s a song from a Dresden-based project called Trains on Fire and I’m glad I could help them out. Another hit from Dresden will be this: You & Me, Jacob Korn’s first full-length album for Uncanny Valley, and blockstudio added its spice to the mix! Release date: The Third of September, this year.

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The Cold View & Searching for colleagues to join forces (meaning: to rent a room)

Digital Funeral Drone Doom project The Cold View asked for mixing and mastering from the block, so we did that in analog manner, cranking it all up. And maybe one day you will hear what it sounds like, meanwhile TCV is searching for a label … Please help’em out. As we help out others: New stuff to record, mix and master is on the way, different parties involved, and even some old friends will drop by again?

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New tracks uploaded, Demo-CD released

First things first: June/July will be a busy time for us, so if you’d like us to record/produce/mix your stuff any time soon, you better hurry. Second (but winner of all hearts): Back in February, when the winter revealed his true face yet again, the brave Squiggles recorded 10 tracks in two days. It was all live in one room, all amps turned to the wall, drums surrounded by some dash panels – still loud as hell. Surprisingly the seperation of all these instruments went really well, so no problems during mix sessions later. We tried analog mixing with the band listening to it right away, that partially worked out but sometimes it did not. So we ended up mixing stems in the box, then summing those on the X-Desk with some dbx, Toft and Prime compression to it.

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 Preliminary anouncements, business as usual

I just call to say that there is really nothing more to do than to announce quite a lot of new songs to be uploaded by the end of this month. Among those there are some recordings we did with bands we know you don’t know but are still super good. Some tracks we did ourselves (okay, Christian did). So because I’m lazy you’ll get more information next time. Ah, I forgot, we added a small price list to our Services page.

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Name dropping and shit, self referencing, looking for bands

Repeatedly we went down in the studio with the guys from Brothers In Love – be they Michael Nadjé & Ricardo Esposito or Joshua Ford & Max K. – to get their stuff mixed on analog gear. First thing we did this month was a remix of Philipp Boston’s “Serious Disco” to be released on White The Label anytime soon. Next we had Nadjé’s & Esposito’s “Sorry” remixed, but by the latter mentioned gentlemen (and blockstudio’s own humble personnel), all for the BIL 002 EP. In this context I’d like to announce the announcement of the release of BIL 001 on facebook dynamically quoting our site, which quotation we link as such right here. Let’s see what’s happening!

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As there is nothing in particular to announce before holidays

Any sexual implications here? And this is just a catalogue cover from Primo Microphones around 1980. Got this from Preservation Sound, a marvelous blog. Wish I could make a record over there at Gold Coast Recorders, that’s the guy’s studio. But I’ll stay here in Berlin watching Christian produce The Gash’s next demo album instead. And helping them out of course, using a bunch of classic dynamics (M88 TG, M201N, N/D868, GDM 316, e 840, MD 421, MD 441, 565 SD, SM57). Though probably not as sexy as Primo’s these are the ones I’d really liked to have.

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Tracks uploaded, mastering for ortloff, mixing BIL002

More than once we promised to show some work we’ve done in the studio and here it is (on the right side of our site or directly at SoundCloud). Among the chosen tracks you’ll find some electronic moody wave industrial ambient made by Christian himself (highly recommended as a soundtrack for video and video games). You’ll also have some sessions where we recorded the musicians alltogether, mixed just a little, and put it together for private listening.

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Record Store Day in Berlin, Probezeit in the studio

Mastering and mixing electronic music used to be our main business so far, that said we’re more than happy to start with serious recordings now. Probezeit is the name, punk emo rock the game, we’ll upload their songs as soon as the mix is done. And maybe we’ll even get some video footage ready, at least we saw a camera around during session. All in all we had a very good time – thank you guys! Man, I love those Gretsch bass drums.

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