

Blockdammweg 60-64, 10318 Berlin is the area where we are located for more than 6 years now. That era will come to an end in April when all buildings will be prepared for the final teardown. Which means we have to move. It seems that we found just the right place already and everybody who want’s to join us and rent working space over there please don’t hesitate to contact us even though we are rented out at the moment. Everybody else who knows an even better place but cannot afford it because it’s too big please contact us as well just for backup. We wil have multiple ads up and running so check them out for further information. Back to the music (right below)!

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Our new Ludwig Maple Set paired with K Custom Hybrid HiHats and a Gretsch Maple Snare aimed at by Sennheiser’s MD 441. We are testing clear Aquarian heads for this set as well as Pearl P-1002 double pedals. Sounding really good so far. Now we are looking to catch that sound on tape (HD) and then record the drum tracks for the musical material we are working on this year. All is laid out pretty much ready for action – a new studio PC, new instruments, new songs. All we need is time!

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Leaving the north from time to time Stralsund-based singer-songwriter Georg Laass was visiting our studio for some days during the last four years. Whenever he showed up we recorded a new song or another version of older attempts. By late 2014 we had assembled four tracks for today’s release “Songs from an open field” (EP) which is now available via Bandcamp as usual. The willing listener will find a rock band sound as well as accoustic folk on this EP and it might be a hint of things yet to come (another more band like approach for instance). The artwork was created by Georg himself with a little support from his brother Johannes who also mixed and mastered these songs.

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In order to keep you updated: We have some mixing jobs in the pipeline, among them new material from Jacob Korn, Jogging House, The Cold View and even more projects produced by ourselves. The latter including in-house recordings of all kind – hopefully on new drums and different guitars which we ‘d like to acquire during the next months. Having a better sound to put in something better most often comes out of it, that’s why.

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Maybe our earliest approach on serious music production whatsoever – my colaboration with beat mate Oliver Wicke and lovely voice Viola Manigk. The fundamental elements (samples, guitars and synths) came together already 10 years ago and were complemented time after time by additional recordings namely drums, strings and keys. And of course – the voice – being the point where it all started to make sense. Also Oliver created fine video clips for some of the songs (see track information). Because we never knew how to take up the thread again we decided to just put it on Bandcamp in the realm of the blockstudio. So here you have it, please enjoy!

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As the studio is ready to mix again we updated our SoundCloud playlist and references. We’d like to mention particularly the guys above (to be watched in an older live video), a music project called “Aktion X”. Coming all the way from Leipzig they visited our studio to record vocals and some additional takes. The instrumental mixes were already done elsewhere so Christian just had to fit in the new stuff. The results you can listen to when you get to the Cloud and via the player on this website’s right side.

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The desk is practically back in action waiting only for the studio computer to run again. Our next step is the placement of all accoustic elements we need and some additional wiring especially in the recording room. Winter is coming in the meantime I suppose, all the while we are restructuring the whole building around us, so that takes time too. Nevertheless we enjoy ourselves doing all this and new music from the block will arrive this year yet.

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P. & J. & P.

New recordings wanted, LFO review in German, artists on the block

Because of our newest gear (remember Oktava and SPL amongst them) we would be really excited about recording new stuff, so contact us for that immediately. Because the only thing that matter to us is the quality of your music you might put budget problems aside and just write us an email. Another thing we want to share is this review by Alessandro on his borderline-fuckup-blog, written in German language. Being more into Hardcore/Punk the author at first felt somehow weird about reviewing electronic music but gave it a try nonetheless. Thank you for that! And because we’re into the HC/Punk thing as well (at least recording-wise) we hope to see more of those bands around in the future.

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Reviews, ongoing recordings, electronic jams

Jacob’s album (see last post) received positive reviews all the way through – for those check Uncanny Valley’s homepage and Mr. Korn’s own. Nearly as well (but remaining totally off-mainstream): Reviews on The Cold View’s “Weeping Winter” you’ll find here, here and there and on their homepage as well. There’s even an interview on a blog called DarkUndergroundMusicZine – I wish all those blogs would have specific names like that (which they actually do). So far for the past …

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The Cold View & Searching for colleagues to join forces (meaning: to rent a room)

Digital Funeral Drone Doom project The Cold View asked for mixing and mastering from the block, so we did that in analog manner, cranking it all up. And maybe one day you will hear what it sounds like, meanwhile TCV is searching for a label … Please help’em out. As we help out others: New stuff to record, mix and master is on the way, different parties involved, and even some old friends will drop by again?

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