

As the studio is ready to mix again we updated our SoundCloud playlist and references. We’d like to mention particularly the guys above (to be watched in an older live video), a music project called “Aktion X”. Coming all the way from Leipzig they visited our studio to record vocals and some additional takes. The instrumental mixes were already done elsewhere so Christian just had to fit in the new stuff. The results you can listen to when you get to the Cloud and via the player on this website’s right side.

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On stage with psychedelic rock, Natural Born Grinders, The Gash and Shrike

Back in town from the Auenland Festival in Empfertshausen/Turingia where we did some live sessions (see the video above) while managing the PA-setup for the show. Which consisted mainly of two drum microphones (kick, snare), and one for percussions, and a vocal microphone amped via a single active stage box and two passive monitors linked to it. Not to forget the trusty Behringer Eurorack desk inbetween. Guitar and bass amps on their own.

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