Re-Release of D-SO classic, some links, some plans
Those who followed the development of our references so far might have noticed the mentioning of a project called Deutsch-SüdOst, or D-SO. Its one and only release “Heimatherz” was remastered in-house around 2010. But you couldn’t actually listen to these praised versions and now you can. We uploaded all the tracks to our Bandcamp site and made them available for free (though donations are welcomed). Composer, creator and producer of “LFO” as of “Heimatherz” is our dear Christian and no other. You might find some of his older friends using the project name for social networking purposes but this re-release is about the music only.
Much appreciated – Don Quichote’s blog linked our stuff, thank you. Sooner or later we will upload the D-SO tracks to Last.fm as well so you can “scrobble” them. Damn buzz word. And there are some further release plans for this year, maybe another album of older stuff to finally overcome the past with the last and least piece of our CNHN/D-SO trilogy.